I am a creature of habit and routine. Last month, my habits and routines got dumped in a Vitamix and some unseen force is randomly hitting the on button every few days. I spaced on two Zoom meetings last week…TWO…and I’m a pretty organized person. So…I made myself a little online meeting & activity tracker cheat sheet. And, I’m sharing it with you, in case you are struggling to remember an entirely new schedule too.
The first couple weeks of our stay-at-home time was amazing. It was our scheduled spring break time anyway, so there weren’t really any expectations of normalcy. The past few weeks, on the other hand, have brought a bombardment of emails and texts as everyone tries to figure out how to navigate life online.
(At the end of this post, I have included links to blank templates of these online meeting & activity trackers. Download and print to use as a quick reference guide for your own kids’ online meetings and activities.)

This is a simple weekly online meeting tracker, with space to record the time, child’s name, person they are meeting with, and the meeting platform. Easy, at-a-glance view of your weekly Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype calls.

Weekly School Activity Tracker
I needed a place to remind myself of what to remind my kids to do! This sheet has a place to record required school work. In our case, all three kids are using Google Classroom, and one has an additional website to check. Plus all three need to check email in the mornings for updates from their teachers.
I included a line for teacher office hours and emails so I don’t have to look up that information each time I need it.
Next is a place to list options for them to work on when they have completed their required school work. So far, we had a couple of days that were completely filled by assignments, but most days, at least one kid is done by 10am and asking how long it will be before they can watch something.
Here are some of my ideas for extra time:
- teacher suggested supplemental work
- coding lessons (code.org)
- typing lessons (typing.com)
- language lessons (duolingo.com)
- guitar lessons (guitartricks.com)
- lessons from wideopenschool.org
- videos on watchknowlearn.org
- work on their own individual learning project (see my post about this HERE)
Tools to Help Your Kids Plan and Prioritize

Other Activities
The final section lists my kids’ classes and activities that they need to keep up with weekly. My kids have a bunch of weekly video lessons for dance and choir classes that are being posted on YouTube. One of my kids is missing gym time, making daily conditioning a priority for her. I’m using this section as a quick reference to help them remember what they should be doing on a weekly basis outside of their schoolwork.

Meeting & Activity Tracker Printables
Now that I have my kids’ online meeting & activity trackers printed and taped up to my desk, hopefully I won’t miss any more video calls. Implementing an orderly list within the upheaval that we are experiencing in our daily life right now helps me manage the changes.
If you’d like to use a blank template to create your own kids’ online meeting & activity tracker, click the links below to download and print your own.
Scheduled Online Meetings Tracker

Weekly Online Activities Tracker (3-column landscape)

Weekly Online Activities Tracker (2-column portrait)