Christmas Fun List

Christmas Fun List

Every year at this time I start having conversations with myself about how I’m going to simplify the season and not let the crazy win. It’s still a bit crazy around here, but I have let go of a lot of activities and self-imposed expectations in the past few years. One tradition our family has enjoyed for years that I’m holding on to is making a Christmas fun list. Every year the list is slightly different. Most years it’s a simple list of possibilities; occasionally, I have scheduled something for each day.

Here is a short and sweet list to help you prepare for Christmas, including a free printable Christmas Fun List!

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Christmas planning in November.  Use this simple checklist to prepare for Christmas.

Early November

  • Go through your gift bin to see what you’ve already purchased for Christmas gifts
  • Make a comprehensive gift list
  • Start a Christmas baking list
  • Make a grocery list (using your Christmas baking list)
  • Decide on a Christmas craft to do with your kids (or for yourself)
    (This year, I want to make THESE adorable 3-D paper trees)
  • Print a Christmas wish list for the kids to fill out
  • Find a Christmas or winter puzzle to work on as a family
  • Make a Christmas Fun List and print it out to display

To plan the month of December, I go through our calendar and choose the best dates for each activity. On nights that I know our family is busy with after school practices or events, I pick something simple like drinking hot cocoa or watching a funny YouTube video. When we have a bit more time, I’ll plan a craft or game night. Here is my Christmas fun list for last year.

Christmas fun list.  Holiday activities for the month of December.
2019 Christmas Family Fun List

Week of Thanksgiving

  • Pull out Christmas decorations
  • Make sure the girls each have an ornament (either purchase or have a plan to make one)
  • Think about Christmas dinner plan
  • Purchase little candies or treats to put in advent house
  • Make sure all activities listed on Christmas fun list are purchased or prepped and ready
  • Start Christmas decorating (yes, I sometimes start before Thanksgiving!)

After Thanksgiving

  • Finish Christmas shopping
  • Christmas decorating
  • Make Christmas dinner plans
  • Enjoy the season!

Christmas Fun List Printable

Here’s a free printable Christmas fun list you can download to use with your family! You don’t even have to leave your home for most of them. You can find a variety of Nutcracker ballet performances to watch online, and if you really don’t want to leave the house, you can even take a Christmas lights tour via YouTube.

Christmas fun list

Everything You Need for Your Christmas Fun List

(Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use and love or would love to use! For full disclosure details, click here.)

Grab my December Family Devotional Now

Light of the World advent devotional

If you’re still in Thanksgiving planning mode, read THIS post and power through my Thanksgiving checklist for a step-by-step plan to preparing for your Thanksgiving feast.

Pinecones with Santa hats Christmas fun list

Check out my Google Sheets Christmas Planner to organize your holiday season!

Christmas Planner Template

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2 thoughts on “Christmas Fun List”

  1. I love the idea of a Christmas fun list! And I absolutely need to grab a Christmas puzzle, I love puzzles but it’s been so long since I’ve done one.

  2. I love puzzles too, but December is the only time I do them. We keep one out for everyone to work on whenever someone says they’re bored. ?

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