Preschool Letter of the Week: R is for Rainbows
Our preschool letter of the week plan is moving on to letter R. This week is a fun theme: “R” is for Rainbows!”
Our preschool letter of the week plan is moving on to letter R. This week is a fun theme: “R” is for Rainbows!”
Most parents can relate to the frustration of trying to provide homework help for our kids. We learned math differently than they do now, we forgot almost every grammar rule we every learned, and our science knowledge might extend only to the topics included in a Magic School Bus episode. Never fear…I’ve got you covered with this list of homework help resources for parents.
Next up in our Letter of the Week Preschool Plan is the letter Q. Tough letter, but we’re going with the theme “Q” is for Queens & Kings!
We’re moving right along in our letter of the week preschool plan. This week we’re exploring “P” is for Planets!
This list of quotes to encourage teachers provides inspiration for teachers and students alike. Pick one to use in a note to your child’s teacher, use them to inspire your own homeschooling adventure, or if you are a teacher…read these and remember just how much we value your contribution to the world.
The Letter of the Week Preschool Plan for today is “O” is for Ocean! Along with the letter of the week, we explore numbers, shapes, and colors. You’ll get song, game, craft, and snack ideas, plus printables!
Our Letter of the Week Preschool Plan today—“N” is for Nutrition! Your child will enjoy classic preschool songs and games, and experience activities to encourage development of both gross and fine motor skills.
My 10-year-old daughter is a voracious reader. She is working through the Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Program, interspersed with other books that catch her interest. Since I’m always hunting down book recommendations for her next read, today I’m sharing her favorite book recommendations for 5th-grade girls.
We’re halfway through our Letter of the Week Preschool Plan—“M” is for Music! Along with the letter of the week, we explore, numbers, shapes, and colors.
Next up in our Letter of the Week Preschool Plan—“L” is for Leaves! Along with the letter of the week, we explore, numbers, shapes, and colors. You’ll get song, game, craft, and snack ideas.