Just in case you don’t have enough on your calendar…I bring to you today a list of all the holidays you never knew you should be celebrating. Last fall, I started celebrating these “unofficial” holidays with my kids. We got off track a bit in November and December with all the REAL holiday goings on, but we picked up again in January. We are having a blast with days like National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! There are a lot of food holidays, so you may want to pick and choose which sugary ones to celebrate, and play up the holidays like “Eat Your Vegetables” day! Download a free printable list of all 365 fun holidays to celebrate with your kids.

Let’s Learn Something Holidays
I’m passionate about learning, so I welcome any excuse to encourage my kids to learn something new. Here is a list of some of my favorite holidays you can use for educational exploration and learning.
Jan 4: Trivia Day
Play a trivia game together
Jan 17: Kid Inventors Day
Read a book about kid inventors, research some famous kid inventors
Read: January Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Feb 3: American Painters Day
Here is a list of famous American painters to get you started
Feb 7: Periodic Table Day
Check out Periodic Videos channel on YouTube
Read: February Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Mar 4: Grammar Day
Offer a prize if your kids can find a grammar error in a book, magazine, or online article today
Mar 15: World Speech Day
Watch a famous speech or learn about effective public speaking techniques
Read: March Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Apr 17: Haiku Poetry Day
Have your kids write their own haiku poetry today
Apr 26: Richter Scale Day
Learn about the Richter scale and earthquakes today
Read: April Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
May 18: Museum Day
Visit a museum (virtual field trips count!)
May 20: Weights and Measures Day
What if we still measured feet in terms of how long our individual feet are? Get an introduction to weights and measures day HERE, compare US customary units with metric units of measurement.
Read: May Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Jun 15: Magna Carta Day
What is Magna Carta? from British Library on YouTube
Jun 27: Helen Keller Day
Read a book about Helen Keller or learn some sign language today
Read: June Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Jul 8: Math 2.0 Day
Play a math game, try a math puzzle, tell math jokes, or learn how math works. If your kids have any interest in math at all, watch this amazing Map of Mathematics video about how different areas of mathematics relate to one another.
Jul 10: Don’t Step on a Bee Day
Learn about the incredible world of bees. The documentary, More Than Honey is currently available on Amazon Prime.
Read: July Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Aug 9: Book Lovers Day
Learn how books are made, the history of printing, or just curl up with a favorite book today
Aug 25: National Park Service Day
Take a virtual tour through some of the most beautiful areas in the country
Read: August Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Sep 3: Skyscraper Day
Check out PBS’ Super Skyscrapers
Sep 17: Constitution Day
Learn about the constitution HERE
Read: September Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Oct 13: Train Your Brain Day
Do a crossword puzzle or sudoku, solve a riddle or brainteaser
Oct 16: Dictionary Day
Read the dictionary (ok, maybe one page). If you have multiple kids, give them each a dictionary and see who can read the definition fastest when you call out a word. If the age range is too broad, make it a stopwatch game and see if they can beat their own time with each word.
Read: October Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Nov 1: Author’s Day
Learn about your favorite author and write a letter or Facebook message to them
Nov 21: World Hello Day
Practice saying hello in different languages. This Hello in 50 Languages video is superb!
Read: November Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
Dec 10: Dewey Decimal System Day
Visit the library after reading this fun article from the New York Public Library.
Dec 11: International Mountain Day
Learn about famous mountain ranges or explore how mountains are formed
Read: December Homeschool Unit Study Ideas (Fun Holidays)
(Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use and love or would love to use! For full disclosure details, click here.)
Planners to Keep Track of Your Fun Holidays (& other important stuff)
I love this one because it has a place to list three top priorities for each week!
Love, love, love the floral design of this one!
Perfect for your student, with weekly and monthly goal setting, checkboxes for tasks, and extra resource pages!
Free Printable List – Fun Holidays to Celebrate with Kids
Celebrating these unique holidays has encouraged my kids to try new things and we’ve had a lot of fun (& tasty treats). There are hundreds and hundreds of national or international “holidays”, but I’ve put together a printable HERE of some fun holidays to celebrate with kids. You can see in the image below an example of the month of April.

The full printable has one kid-friendly holiday for each day of the year, organized in a monthly calendar format. At the end of each month, I’ve included a couple of recognized monthly celebrations. April is Poetry Month and Humor Month, so I might read poetry with the kids at night instead of our regular story time, or do a knock-knock joke every Friday. THIS list from Red Tricycle is one of my favorite lists of jokes for kids. When one of my kids has to give a presentation in her class, I always encourage her to include a joke, because everyone likes to laugh, right?
Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!
There are probably more holidays than you want to recognize in any given year, so pick and choose the ones that seem the most fun for your family. Our favorites have been Bacon Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, and Curmudgeon Day (we watched Dennis the Menace). Grab your free printable with holidays sorted by month – a whole year’s worth – and party like it’s Tuesday! Get the printable HERE and start planning your fun holidays to celebrate.
Daily Questions for Kids
Use as conversation starters, journal prompts, or writing practice!

Join my mailing list to receive updates when new printable resources are added to the library, plus tips and encouragement for your organized homeschool journey.

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Great list! With all that’s going on in the world it’s nice to have a reason to celebrate! Thanks for sharing!
Agreed! I’m purposely looking for ways to stay focused on positivity.