100 Vocabulary Words to Learn in High School (Free Download)

vocabulary words for high school

100 Words to Know Before Graduating High School

Are you looking for a way to build your high school student’s vocabulary knowledge? The editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries have put together a helpful little guidebook to assist your student in broadening their vocabulary. If you want to improve your high schooler’s general vocabulary, this book will do it.

You’ll find a printable checklist of the 100 words available to download in my resource library. Grab the book from Amazon or wherever you buy books—it’s just a few bucks. The book contains an alphabetical list of the words, parts of speech, definitions, examples of usage, etymologies, and other notes.

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vocabulary words to learn in high school

Choose a Pace to Learn Vocabulary Words

If your student is a a freshman, you can choose to go through this book at a slower pace with a once-a-week time frame.

I like to assign a Word-of-the-Day Wednesday and introduce a new vocabulary word every Wednesday.

If your student is older and you want to work on improving vocabulary quickly, a faster pace makes more sense.

  1. Assign one word per week and go through the entire list in three school years at this pace.
  2. Assign one word per week and go through the entire list in two full calendar years.
  3. Assign one word per school day and go through the entire list in less than one school year.

How to Learn New Vocabulary Words

There are numerous ways to learn and practice new vocabulary words. As a general rule, reading a variety of material will naturally expand your vocabulary, but I’ve outlined several suggestions below to help your student learn specific words.

  1. Listen to the pronunciation of the word
  2. Read the definition, parts of speech, etymology, etc.
  3. Write the word down while saying it out loud
  4. Use the word in a sentence
  5. Write the word on a post-it and stick it somewhere you will see it several times a day
  6. Make flash cards to review words
  7. Use an online tool like Quizlet to make digital flash cards for review
  8. Review the word multiple times at increasing intervals (daily, then every other day, then weekly, then less frequently)
  9. Continue to use the word in conversation or make up an example of how the word would be used

100 Words Vocabulary List Download

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100 vocabulary words to learn in high school

100 Vocabulary Words Everyone Should Know

If you have a high school student, this is a great list to work through to help them improve their vocabulary. But it’s never too late to learn something new! Learn along with them. More than likely, there are a number of words on this list that you never learned, or learned and forgot.

Make it a family game to come up with funny sentences using the word of the week and text each other your silly sentences. Gamifying learning is a great way to make knowledge stick.

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100 Vocabulary Words for High School Students

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