Preschool Letter of the Week Ideas

Letter of the Week Ideas

Last week I posted the general outline that I used as a preschool letter of the week learning plan for my three daughters. Today, I’m sharing some general ideas, along with lots of free printables! Each child learns differently and enjoys different modes of play, so try a variety of activities and see which ones engage your child. These ideas can be incorporated into the preschool letter of the week lessons, or they can be stand-alone activities.

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I have a set of weekly theme cards you can download and print to display on a wall or bulletin board each week. Download the free printable Weekly Preschool Theme Card Set here.

Weekly preschool theme cards printable

Reading & Letter Learning Ideas

  • Look through a book’s pictures before reading it and ask your child to talk about what they think is happening
  • Ask your child to retell a story to you after reading it. What happened first? Next? In the end?
  • Use their finger to trace letters in a tray of salt or rice
  • Have them match uppercase and lowercase letters using labeled plastic spoons (example from Lesson Plan of Happiness)
  • Print outlined letters (I have a set you can download HERE), color or paint them, use a letter stamp and stamp inside the outlined letter, or if your child is older, cut them out to practice using scissors. You could also laminate the pages and use playdough to form the letters. I used a set of these dry erase pocket sleeves. They can be reused over and over for dry-erase activities, or as playdough mats.
  • Printable LEGO letter mats at Your child uses LEGO bricks to form the letters on a printable template.

Alphabet letter outlines

Number Learning Ideas

  • Have your child find things that they have 1 of, 2 of, 3 of etc. (e.g. 1 nose, 2 pets, 3 apples)
  • Play a hopscotch-style game and ask your child to do something specific when they hop on the number you call out (e.g. touch your nose when you hop on 2)
  • Put numbered items around a room (or outside). You could use pieces of paper, paper plates, popsicle sticks, etc. Have multiples of each number. Call out a number and have them find the items with that number written on them. For younger kids, you can show them what the number looks like so they can find the numbers that match. Some kids really learn better when they can move!
  • Make a sticker book. You can download a template HERE. This book has numbers 1-10, with the number for each week printed in the corresponding color of the week. Allow your young kids to choose stickers to put on the page corresponding to that number (3 stickers on the “3” page, 6 stickers on the “6” page, etc.) Help them count out the stickers.
Sticker book of numbers printable

Shape and Color Learning Ideas

  • Show your child a color, and have them find items around your house that are the same color. Count them together and see how many you can find.
  • Grab a variety of items from around the house in various colors and dump them out in a box or tray. Ask your child to find everything that is “blue,” or “purple.” Some ideas of items to use: set of colorful cookie cutters, scraps of construction paper, crayons, plastic dishes or anything else you come up with.
  • Show your child how to draw the shape of the week, and have them draw the number of shapes that correspond to that number of the week. Then they can color them the color of the week. For example, one square colored red, two circles colored yellow, three rectangles colored blue, etc.
  • Build LEGO or block creations using the color of the week
  • Use colorful cereal (Fruit Loops!) or small toys to match colors. You can download this Color Match page and print it on cardstock or easily make your own: cut out shapes from several different colors of construction or other colorful paper, then glue or tape the shapes onto a single page. Give your child a bowl of colorful cereal or toys and have them place them on the matching color.
Color match page printable

Get the Free Preschool Letter of the Week Printables

33-Week Preschool Plan Overview

Weekly Preschool Learning Plan Theme Cards

Alphabet Letter Outlines

My Sticker Book of Numbers

Color Match Page

Preschool letter of the week plan. Fun with letters, numbers, colors, and shapes.  Ideas for creative preschool learning.

Complete Letter of the Week Curriculum
with Additional Printables, Book Lists, Supply Lists, and More!

Banner with arrow, available in Etsy shop
Preschool letter of the week curriculum on Etsy

You can read my post outlining the 33-Week Preschool Learning Plan for more help and ideas to engage your child in fun learning activities.

Visit my Preschool Letter-of-the-Week Page to find the complete list of A-Z weekly themes

letter of the week preschool plan

Plus, check out this List of Fun Learning Resources post for activity ideas, educational podcasts, and online learning resources that my kids have used and enjoyed.

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