180 Simple Daily Drawing Prompts for a Creative School Year

drawing prompts for students

Daily Drawing Activity for Students

These simple drawing prompts are a low-key way to encourage students to create a habit of sketching and drawing. A full school year’s worth of 180 prompts is listed, but you can easily choose your favorites and make this a weekly activity.

How to Use the Prompts

First, decide on how frequently you want to use them. Daily, weekly, or even monthly if you prefer.

Next, decide on the size you will recommend. My favorite way to do this is in small 1-1/2 inch square boxes, requiring students to keep their drawing simple. You may wish to limit the size to 3 inch squares or a 5.5″x 8.5″ half-letter page size.

Finally, decide on the allowed art supplies. The simplest form is to allow only pencil sketches. My preference is to allow colored pencils so kids who love color can let their creativity shine.

Suggestions for using these simple drawing prompts:

  • bell-ringer activity
  • daily or weekly sketch practice
  • year-long creative project to save as a keepsake
  • activity during read-aloud times
  • early finish activity

Banner with arrow, available in Etsy shop

simple drawing prompts for students

180 Simple Drawing Prompts for Students

  1. heart
  2. star
  3. mug
  4. rose
  5. cat
  6. dog
  7. sun
  8. rainbow
  9. clock
  10. house
  11. car
  12. book
  13. pencil
  14. tree
  15. hat
  16. cake
  17. chair
  18. arrow
  19. shell
  20. bird
  21. leaf
  22. donut
  23. yarn
  24. fork
  25. fish
  26. butterfly
  27. candle
  28. bird
  29. present
  30. apple
  31. pie
  32. earth
  33. panda
  34. cactus
  35. table
  36. horse
  37. strawberry
  38. pumpkin
  39. sunflower
  40. fruit bowl
  41. mountain
  42. balloons
  43. paint palette
  44. pinecone
  45. teddy bear
  46. fireworks
  47. sweater
  48. ice cream cone
  49. campfire
  50. juice pitcher
  51. skyscraper
  52. backpack
  53. lightbulb
  54. flowers in vase
  55. paintbrush
  56. ballet shoes
  57. squirrel
  58. nail polish
  59. palm tree
  60. watering can
  61. skateboard
  62. pyramid
  63. milkshake
  64. hot air balloon
  65. suitcase
  66. ornament
  67. wreath
  68. Christmas tree
  69. stocking
  70. candy cane
  71. bell
  72. music notes
  73. swing
  74. snowflake
  75. rabbit
  76. snowman
  77. rainboots
  78. dress
  79. crown
  80. tulip
  81. mailbox
  82. lemon
  83. scarf
  84. sailboat
  85. guitar
  86. train
  87. pear
  88. fern
  89. mittens
  90. acorn
  91. owl
  92. mermaid
  93. bow
  94. lipstick
  95. ice skates
  96. koala
  97. airplane
  98. watermelon
  99. skyline
  100. fox
  101. cookie jar
  102. fireplace
  103. bowl
  104. spoon
  105. window
  106. rake
  107. cherry
  108. carrot
  109. licorice
  110. Hershey kiss
  111. lamp
  112. headphones
  113. paper clip
  114. bed
  115. bench
  116. truck
  117. door
  118. penguin
  119. daisy
  120. pineapple
  121. dancer
  122. pathway
  123. forest
  124. jump rope
  125. steps
  126. spiral
  127. locket
  128. trumpet
  129. key
  130. rocket
  131. unicorn
  132. cupcake
  133. party hat
  134. scissors
  135. shamrock
  136. sneaker
  137. starfish
  138. duck
  139. dandelion
  140. face
  141. shooting star
  142. harmonica
  143. fir tree
  144. flamingo
  145. bell pepper
  146. teapot
  147. peacock
  148. elephant
  149. button
  150. ring
  151. lightning
  152. bread
  153. cabin
  154. volcano
  155. bridge
  156. whale
  157. bicycle
  158. camera
  159. citrus slice
  160. lighthouse
  161. tent
  162. sunset
  163. planet
  164. dice
  165. umbrella
  166. castle
  167. popsicle
  168. beach ball
  169. birdhouse
  170. wagon
  171. ladder
  172. watch
  173. swimsuit
  174. sunglasses
  175. flip flops
  176. kite
  177. tote bag
  178. Rubix cube
  179. telescope
  180. microphone

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art prompts for students

Sketching Supplies

Simple Sketch Art Prompts for Students

Similar to journaling, students who resist the idea at first may be won over by keeping it simple. Encourage them to think about a single-line sketch, abstract images, or cartoon images as valid options for their drawings.

There’s a fantastic Tedx Talk by Graham Shaw titled, “Why people believe they can’t draw—and how to prove they can” that walks through an example of teaching anyone to draw. Start your students out with that interactive video to get them excited about what they really can do and encourage them to keep trying.

Anyone can improve their skills through practice. After 180 days, your students will likely see improvements in their drawing if they commit to work at it for just 10 minutes a day.

Visit my printable resource library to grab a free download containing all 180 drawing prompts to use with your students.

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simple drawing prompts for students

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