How to Create a Sustainable Homeschool Routine: 20 Questions to Ask Yourself
Still looking for the elusive perfect homeschooling schedule? These questions will help you think through how to create a homeschool routine that works for your family.
Still looking for the elusive perfect homeschooling schedule? These questions will help you think through how to create a homeschool routine that works for your family.
The daily Wordle is wildly popular and has spawned dozens of spinoffs. Not only is the word game fun, it’s fun learning! And there are plenty more fun learning games to try with your kids. Here are 50 suggestions for daily online games you can use in your homeschool.
School’s out for summer! Now you get to fight the mess and the screen time with hardly any of the built in structure the school year provides. Even as teens, my kids need reminders to help them prioritize important daily and weekly tasks and routines. Here is a printable summer checklist for kids you can use to keep your kids on track this summer.
Whether you’re a work-at-home, stay-at-home, or all-day-at-the-office mom, there are a few systems you need to manage your time and responsibilities efficiently. Wondering how to handle information overload? Here’s your busy mom’s guide to managing your time effectively with a system for handling information.
Whether you’re a work-at-home, stay-at-home, or all-day-at-the-office mom, there are a few systems you need to manage your time and responsibilities efficiently. One of those essential systems is a calendar system. Here’s your busy mom’s guide to managing your time effectively with a calendar system.
It must be nearly universal for moms to feel like there are not enough hours in a day. Between working, housework, drop-offs, pick-ups, appointments, errands, and for me, homeschooling, there always seems to be far more to do than can be done. If you can relate, read on to find out the three systems you NEED to manage your time.
There are days you just want to tell your kids to go to bed at 10am, right? They’re getting on each other’s nerves; they give you a death-glare when you offer a simple “good morning.” Here are 10 suggestions for ways to adjust a bad attitude in your kids without the lecture (which never works anyway).
One of my top priorities as a parent is that my kids know—deep down and without a doubt—that they are loved and valued. Although life is busy and each stage brings new challenges, a small effort can have a huge impact on our kids. Here are 10 ways to encourage your kids.
These simple drawing prompts are a low-key way to encourage students to create a habit of sketching and drawing. A full school year’s worth of 180 prompts is listed, but you can easily choose your favorites and make this a weekly activity.
Most parents have experienced the frustration of our kids refusing to eat anything other than pasta and Cheerios. While it’s common for kids to dislike many vegetables, with time and persistence, they can develop a taste for a variety of healthy, nutritious food. Here’s a big list of healthy foods from A-Z. Make it a game to see how many foods you can check off. If your kids are competitive, turn it into a contest!