Fruit of the Spirit: Monthly Character Lessons for Teens

fruit of the spirit

Fruit of the Spirit Monthly Scripture Focus

I love to use monthly themes and activities to maintain rhythms in our homeschool. It occurred to me one day that there are nine fruits of the spirit listed in the Galatians 5 scripture passage. And…what do you know…there are 9 months in a school year!

Lightbulb moment! We can incorporate learning what the Bible has to say about each character trait listed as a fruit of the spirit by focusing on one each month. Follow along with us as you invite and encourage your teens to allow God’s spirit to develop their character.

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fruit of the spirit monthly character lessons

Fruit of the Spirit Passage

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

Monthly Fruit of the Spirit Word Study

Moving through the fruit of the spirit in order they are listed in the passage, this is the progression throughout the school year. However, you could certainly choose to rearrange the topics if you chose to do so.

For example, you could explore the character trait of being loving in February to tie in with Valentine’s Day or study joy in December to correspond to Christmas activities. Each word stands alone and the resources do not build on one another, so you have freedom to “drag and drop” into whichever time period you wish.

fruit of the spirit love
fruit of the spirit joy
fruit of the spirit peace
fruit of the spirit patience
fruit of the spirit kindness
fruit of the spirit goodness
fruit of the spirit faithfulness
fruit of the spirit gentleness
fruit of the spirit self-control

Format for Each Monthly Study

This monthly study is geared for middle and high school students, but feel free to adapt for younger students as well. Included are a variety of suggestions to use throughout the month to maintain a focus on whichever specific fruit of the spirit you are learning about.

Each month will ask the following questions and provide scripture your kids can use to dig into what the Bible has to say about the topic.

  • What does the Bible say about this character trait?
  • Where do we see this character trait exhibited in the Bible?
  • Does the Bible say anything about people who DON’T exhibit this character trait?
  • Would others describe me this way?
  • How can I express this fruit of the spirit in a practical way in my life this month?

Also included are the following types of resources to encourage discussion and enhance understanding.

  • Engaging video content related to “fruit” of the month
  • Music exploring the “fruit” of the month
  • Prayer asking for more of this “fruit”

Finally, your students should work on scripture memorization.

  • Work on memorizing a key verse related to the “fruit” of the month
  • Work on memorizing Galatians 5:22-23

Banner with arrow, available in Etsy shop

praying scripture

Monthly Fruit of the Spirit Study for Students

This isn’t a typical Bible study in the sense of having daily or weekly lessons. Instead, it’s intended to be used as a supplemental study that’s low-key and flexible.

The monthly focus on one specific fruit of the spirit gives plenty of opportunity for discussion, scripture study, and reflection.

Even if your teens are doing a regular Bible study (which I hope they are!), you can add in a few scriptures, a video, have them listen to a piece of music or read a poem each month and consider whether they are exhibiting that fruit of the spirit.

Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!


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