Wednesday Theme Ideas and Hashtags
Designating a daily theme is a great way to add a little fun to your regular school day. These Wednesday theme ideas or Wednesday hashtags can be the focus of an entire day or a way to label a brief segment of the day. Whether you’re in a classroom setting or homeschooling your own kids, themes or hashtags use catchy alliteration or rhyming to amp up the fun factor.
Here’s a big list of fun themes for Wednesdays, along with a few suggestions of ways you can use them to increase engagement and learning opportunities for your students.

General Ways to Use Theme Days
Weekly Activities
Some of the daily themes listed below work well with weekly use. These can provide opportunity for regular practice or short activities. Examples of Wednesday theme ideas that could be used every week:
Word of the Week Wednesday: introduce a unique vocabulary word
Would You Rather Wednesday: ask a would you rather question as part of a morning meeting or write it on a whiteboard for students to tally answers
You get the idea here. These themes don’t take up a significant amount of time and can be added into your schedule to share tidbits of information in a fun way.
Monthly Activities
Many of the themes listed might not be practical for weekly usage. Depending on your schedule and students’ interest, you may not want to have a Women in History Wednesday or Wellness Wednesday theme every week, but a monthly activity around this theme could be added to your schedule.
Occasional Activities
Some of the themes work very well to use more occasionally. This could be a quarterly or sporadic use of Where in the World Wednesday as a geography activity, or a collection of themed days to create a week of unique learning outside the regular curriculum.
Newsletter Headings
If you have a student interested in creating a family or class newsletter, these themes could be great column headings for a newsletter project.
Read How to Plan a Homeschool Day with Fun Theme Ideas for a full week of themed learning activities

Wednesday Theme Ideas and Hashtags
Here’s the list of hashtags and alliterative themes for Wednesday, listed in alphabetical order.
Bodies of Water Wednesday
Use this to cover various bodies of water as part of a weekly unit study.
I Wonder Wednesday
This could be a weekly or occasional theme to use as a discussion question or journal prompt where students generate the “I Wonder…” questions. Or, choose specific questions in advance to discuss and provide an answer (e.g. I wonder what happens in a black hole). A really fun way to use this would be to give students an “I Wonder…” journal to write questions in. Remind them frequently to add their questions to their I Wonder journal. You could regularly look through the questions and choose some to answer on I Wonder Wednesday.
Not So Wimpy Wednesday
Use this theme as a way to profile strong leaders or acts of bravery.
Wacky Wednesday
A well-known Wednesday theme, use this occasionally to generate a few laughs.
Read: 20 Silly Conversation Starters
War of Wits Wednesday
Use this theme to set up a competition to solve problems or riddles.
Watch It Wednesday
Hold an occasional movie day with this theme. Add vocabulary, comprehension questions, or compare and contrast with the book, or watch an engaging documentary.
Read: 36 Documentaries to Watch with Your Kids
Watercolor Wednesday
Great for an art class or as a whole week of art exploration, add themes for each day. Ideas: Mosaic Monday, Typography Tuesday, Thrifty Thursday (upcycling), and Fibre Arts Friday.
Wayback Wednesday
Use this theme as a fun label for history tidbits, especially recent history. You could post information about how much things cost or what the most popular movies or music were in a particular year.
Wednesday Warmup
This practical theme could be used as a literal physical exercise warmup to get kids moving on Wednesdays. You could also incorporate this theme as a way to review math facts, vocabulary, or any material previously covered before moving on to new material.
Weird But True Wednesday
Share weird but true facts with this theme. National Geographic Kids has some great books and weird but true resources related to this theme, or has a list of 300 weird facts to choose from.
Well Done Wednesday
Offer encouragement and recognition of a job well done with this theme.
Wellness Wednesday
Use this theme to teach general health and wellness information on a weekly or occasional basis.
What’s Up Wednesday
Start a discussion about current events on What’s Up Wednesday. You could also use this theme to do an occasional check-in about how things are going.
When Was It Wednesday
Perfect for a no-pressure history quiz, name an event and ask students to guess when it was.
Where in the World Wednesday
Show students an image and have them guess where in the world it is. You could also use this theme to have students play GeoGuesser, a fun online geography game that challenges players to guess their location.
Whimsical Wednesday
Take a walk on the light side with this theme. Share a short funny animation, cartoon, or lighthearted story.
Whiz Kids Wednesday
Profile kid inventors or authors with this theme.
Wild Card Wednesday
Get creative with this theme—choose a rotation of fun activities and games to surprise your students with on Wild Card Wednesday.
Wise Words Wednesday
Share famous quotes with this theme.
Read: Monthly Motivation for Kids
Wish List Wednesday
This could be an occasional theme that adds a whole lot of excitement. Have your students fill out a wish list of things they’d love to do during a school day (e.g. watch a movie, pajama day, no math, play games, popcorn party). You can offer suggestions and allow them to come up with additional ideas on their own. Every so often, have a Wish List Wednesday and make one of the wishes come true!
Who or Whom Wednesday
Add a cute label to a Wednesday grammar lesson with this theme.
Who Was Wednesday
Do a short bio of a historical figure with this theme.
Women in History Wednesday
Find inspiring stores of women in history, often left out of the history books, and share them on Women in History Wednesday.
Wonderful Wednesday
This theme can be used to add fun greetings or labels to the days of the week. Use in conjunction with Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursday, and Fantastic Friday to help kids focus on positive thinking.
Woodcraft Wednesday
Use this theme to showcase woodworking or to teach students basic woodworking skills.
Word of the Week Wednesday
Easy to add to your regular schedule, introduce students to an unusual word every Wednesday.
Words of Wisdom Wednesday
In the same vein as Wise Words Wednesday, share a quote or piece of good advice.
Wordy Wednesday
Use this theme to explore language. Whether it’s new vocab, grammar rules, or funny words, there are so many possibilities with this theme. Ideas: play word games, do Mad Libs, share grammar jokes or tongue twisters.

Workforce Wednesday
This theme could be used as an occasional exploration of careers for junior high or high school students.
Workout Wednesday
Include movement in your Wednesday schedule.
World of Wonder Wednesday
Use this theme to explore Wonders of the World, or simply awe-inspiring places around the globe.
Would You Rather Wednesday
A quick would you rather question is a fun way to start the day. You could write it on a whiteboard and let students tally their answers.
Writer’s Workshop Wednesday
Whether you use this weekly or on a more occasional basis, this theme is a catchy way to refer to defined writing time.
Find themes for every day of the week!
Wednesday Themes Add Fun
Liven up hump day with a catchy theme. You can use a theme of the day to add a bit of fun to the school day, and your students will look forward to the regular occurrence of your Wednesday themes.
Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!

These are awesome! Thank you!