Free Scripture-Focused Thanksgiving Lesson Plan for Homeschool Families

give thanks

Thanksgiving Scripture Lesson Plan

During the month of November, many of us think about gratitude. The thanksgiving season prods us to make thankful lists and encourage our kids to express their thanks for blessings big and small. This 5-day thanksgiving lesson plan will focus your kids on thankfulness to God above all else. You can plan to incorporate the lessons on the five days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, or spread them out over the weeks before thanksgiving. These videos and activities are intended to be used with middle grades, from about 5th-9th. Younger students may find some of the video content challenging; you can use your judgment there. This unit can also be used anytime you want to specifically focus on thankfulness.

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30 days of thankful pack

5 Days of Thanksgiving Scripture

Each day includes a scripture reading, video related to the thanksgiving theme, and activity page to assist in memorizing a specific verse. Most of the scripture readings include audio links if you wish to have your student listen along as they read.

Memorization verse for the week

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy is everlasting.

Psalm 107:1
Thanksgiving scripture lesson plan
Lesson Plan Page with Links
Psalm 107:1 copywork page
Scripture Copywork Page
Psalm 107:1 coloring page
Scripture Coloring Page
Psalm 107:1 memorization page
Scripture Fill-in-the-Blank
Blank Page for Memory Work
Thanksgiving prayer page
Reflection & Prayer Page

Daily Thanksgiving Lesson Plan for Homeschool

Below you’ll find links to the daily readings, videos, and suggested activity. I’m also providing a free download for you with all the links and activity pages available in my printables library!

Day 1

Reading: Psalm 95

Video: Gratitude Over Discontentment

Activity: Psalm 107:1 copywork page

Day 2

Reading: Philippians 4

Video: Philippians (Bible Project)

Activity: Psalm 107:1 scripture coloring page

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Thanksgiving scripture reading plan

Day 3

Reading: Psalm 100

Video: An Exaltation of Thanksgiving

Activity: Psalm 107:1 fill-in-the-blank memorization page

Day 4

Reading: Psalm 111

Video: Father, I Thank You by Jeremy Camp

Activity: write Psalm 107:1 from memory (use creative lettering if you like!)

Day 5

Reading: Colossians 3:15-17 (look it up in a Bible)

Video: Prayers for Thanking God

Activity: write your own prayer of thanksgiving

Read: Advent Scripture Reading Plan for Your Homeschool

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Advent lesson plan for middle school


Free Printable Thanksgiving Lesson Plan

Join my mailing list below for access to my printables library, where you’ll find a free “Thanksgiving Scripture Lesson Plan” download, along with hundreds more pages to help you organize your home and homeschool. The printable PDF file includes the audio scripture links, video links, and activity pages in one convenient place.

Give your kids five days of scripture, thoughtful video, and music that inspires them to respond in gratitude to our great God.

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Thanksgiving Scripture Reading Plan for Homeschool

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