Preschool Letter of the Week: J is for Jungle

Letter of the Week J

Letter of the Week Theme: J is for Jungle

We’re working through a preschool letter of the week, and we’re up to J is for Jungle! (Find the complete A-Z outline on my letter of the week preschool page.) Along with the letter of the week, we explore, numbers, shapes, and colors. You’ll get song, game, craft, and snack ideas.

Print the one-page Preschool Weekly Focus and fit in activities throughout the week. Over the course of all 26 weeks, your child will enjoy classic preschool songs and games, and experience activities to encourage development of both gross and fine motor skills.

(Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use and love or would love to use! For full disclosure details, click here.)

Preschool Letter of the Week Focus

Letter of the Week = J
Theme of the Week = Jungle
Number of the Week = 9
Color of the Week = earth tones
Shape of the Week = star

Letter Activities

  • Identify the letter J: look for J in books and on signs
  • Color, stamp, or decorate the letter J (download a free printable HERE)
  • Practice writing the letter J (download a free printable for letters I and J HERE)
  • Go on a letter sound hunt around the house (look for items that start with the letter of the week)
  • Look at a picture dictionary and talk about words that start with J
  • Letter J activity at

Number Activities

  • Counting practice
  • Practice identifying and writing the number 9 (download a free printable for 9 and 10 HERE)
  • use jellybeans to count to nine and identify colors


  • Practice drawing and coloring stars (download a free printable HERE)
  • Use earth tones to trace and color this week.

Letter “J” and Jungle Theme Activities

  • See you later alligator, after a while crocodile (Printable wall decor included in my complete curriculum set available in my Etsy shop)
  • jokes: find a great list of jokes for kids at Red Tricycle
  • jumping jacks or jump rope
  • Jenga or jigsaw puzzle
  • watch a juggler (YouTube – Crazy Juggler – Emile Carey)
  • set up a “jungle” using green crepe paper streamers crisscrossed around furniture (see example at Paper and Glue)
  • start a book journal: write down all the books you read with your child and rate how well they like it (they can put a star sticker next to titles they love)
  • watch Disney’s The Jungle Book
See you later alligator printable

Items You Might Use this Week

Letter “J” and Jungle Theme Books

Letter “J” and Jungle Theme Arts & Crafts

  • thread cut up plastic straw pieces, beads, or tubular pasta on string or pipe cleaners to make jungle snakes (see example at Thrifty Fun)
  • jungle craft: glue green paper onto black construction paper on one edge only and cut “fringe,” then add jungle animal stickers or cutouts for an adorable jungle scene (see example at Adventures in Mommyland)
  • letter J jellyfish craft (example at The Measured Mom)

Letter “J” Snack and Food Ideas

  • jam
  • jambalaya
  • jello
  • jellybeans
  • jerky
  • juice

Letter “J” Field Trip Ideas

  • Jamba Juice
  • jellyfish (aquarium)
  • jet (aviation museum or airport)
  • jungle gym

**You may need to try a virtual field trip at this point in time. Here are a few possibilities:

Jungle Animal Names and Sounds for Kids to Learn (YouTube – Kiddopedia)

Amazon Rainforest Virtual Field Trip (YouTube – Virtualfieldtripsnet)

All About Jellyfish for Kids (YouTube – Free School)

Preschool-on-a-page: J is for Jungle

This one-page plan lists all the ideas we covered for letter, number, shape, color, and animal activities for the week. Use the preschool letter of the week to intentionally engage with your child and more than anything READ, READ, READ with them.

J is for Jungle letter of the week preschool plan

The recommended reading selections are comprised of both “newer” books and award-winning, classic works to expose your child to a variety of authors and well-known titles. Feel free to add to the suggested titles as desired and make your own choices based on your preferences or availability of material.

Complete Letter of the Week Curriculum

I’ve made it easy for you to start a letter of the week curriculum with a complete preschool plan available in my shop. No need to spend hours browsing Pinterest for ideas and cobble together a random set of activities. Download the entire set and get started today!

  • Weekly Theme Cards
  • Weekly Focus Pages
  • letter of the week outlines for crafting
  • letter, number, and shape worksheets
  • supplemental worksheet activities
  • over 100 additional book recommendations
  • supply list for crafts and activities
  • list of concepts and kindergarten readiness activities introduced

Letter of the week preschool plan

Visit my Preschool Letter-of-the-Week Page to find the complete list of A-Z weekly themes

letter of the week preschool plan

Preschool Letter of the Week Printables

When you join my mailing list below, you get access to my printables library, where you’ll find the preschool printables, plus many more resources to help you organize your home life and homeschool.

J is for jungle letter of the week resources

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