Inspiration for an October Bucket List
Bucket lists are a fun way to think about tasks you want to accomplish or new things you want to try. I’ve put together a big selection of October bucket list ideas for you to consider. Pick some you’d like to do and make your own personal bucket list for October.
For a complete set of monthly bucket lists that include a monthly health and fitness activity, planning activity, family fun, organizing activity, a list to make, seasonal fun, and more, check out my monthly planning list pack.

(Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use and love or would love to use! For full disclosure details, click here.)
Ideas for Your October Bucket List
- learn a new software program or keyboard shortcut (Computer Learning Month)
- interview family members (Family History Month)
Visit my printables library to download a list of Family History Questions
- eat a vegetarian meal once a week (National Vegetarian Month)
- create a budget (Financial Planning Month)
- attend a photography exhibition (Photographer Appreciation Month)
- participate in an organization challenge (Get Organized Week – 1st week of October)
Read: 30-Day Challenge Ideas for an Organization Challenge
- check smoke detectors (Fire Prevention Week – 2nd week of October)
- write a note of appreciation to your pastor (Clergy Appreciation Day – 2nd Sunday of October)
- take your parents to lunch (National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day – 2nd Wednesday of October)
- play chess (National Chess Day – 2nd Saturday of October)
- create with yarn or watch the documentary: Yarn (I Love Yarn Day – 2nd Saturday of October)
- clean up and organize your computer files (National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day – 3rd Monday of October)
You’ll find an example of how I organize my homeschool digital files in this article:
7 Steps to Plan Your Homeschool Year
- send a card to your mother-in-law (Mother-in-Law Day – 4th Sunday of October)
- make a batch of cookies (National Homemade Cookies Day – 10/1)
- play golf (National Golf Day – 10/4)
- eat a cinnamon roll (National Cinnamon Bun Day – 10/4)
- do something nice for someone (Do Something Nice Day – 10/5)
- thank a teacher (World Teacher’s Day – 10/5)
- eat angel food cake (National Angel Food Cake Day – 10/10)
- decorate a cake (National Cake Decorating Day – 10/10)
- do a brainteaser or puzzle (National Train Your Brain Day – 10/13)
- learn a new word (National Dictionary Day – 10/16)
- do an evaluation of your goals and priorities (Evaluate Your Life Day – 10/19)
Read: Monthly Lists to Plan Your Year
- listen to an opera (World Opera Day – 10/25)
- bring a treat to your local fire station (National First Responders Day – 10/28)
- try an overnight oats recipe (National Oatmeal Day – 10/29)
- decorate for Halloween
- go trick-or-treating
- carve or paint pumpkins
- have a bonfire
- jump in a leaf pile
- visit a pumpkin patch
- bob for apples
- make chili
- enjoy a spiced latte
- make caramel apples
- go for a hayride
- make a scarecrow
- visit a corn maze
- read under a cozy blanket
- take fall family pictures
- make a pear cobbler
- roast pumpkin seeds
- go to a football game
- go apple picking
- pull out rainboots and cozy sweaters
- buy Halloween candy
- plant mums in pots
- find a Halloween costume
- plant bulbs for spring
- make paper bag luminaries
- watch October Sky, You’ve Got Mail, or Serendipity
- roast corn on the cob
- make pumpkin bread or muffins
- do leaf rubbings
- make homemade applesauce
- play an outdoor game after dark (hide-and-seek, flashlight tag)

Visit my monthly resources page to find more ways to plan your year with monthly and seasonal rhythms!
Printable October Bucket List Ideas
Download a free printable list of these October Bucket List ideas for easy reference. Choose a few that appeal to you and enjoy the month of October!