Monday Theme Ideas and Hashtags
Designating a daily theme is a great way to add a little fun to your regular school day. These Monday theme ideas or Monday hashtags can be the focus of an entire day or a way to label a brief segment of the day. Whether you’re in a classroom setting or homeschooling your own kids, themes or hashtags use catchy alliteration or rhyming to amp up the fun factor.
Here’s a big list of fun themes for Mondays, along with a few suggestions of ways you can use them to increase engagement and learning opportunities for your students.

General Ways to Use Theme Days
Weekly Activities
Some of the daily themes listed below work well with weekly use. These can provide opportunity for regular practice or short activities. Examples of themes that can easily be used every week:
Motivation Monday: share a motivational quote
Monday Matters: weekly check-in about current events or calendar items
You get the idea here. These themes don’t take up a significant amount of time and can be added into your schedule to share tidbits of information in a fun way.
Monthly Activities
Many of the themes listed might not be practical for weekly usage. Depending on your schedule and students’ interest, you may not want to have a Maker Monday or Multicultural Monday theme every week, but a monthly activity around this theme would be a useful addition to your schedule.
Occasional Activities
Some of the themes work very well to use more occasionally. This could be a quarterly or sporadic use of Monday Map Day as a geography activity, or a collection of themed days to create a week of unique learning outside the regular curriculum.
Newsletter Headings
If you have a student interested in creating a family or class newsletter, these themes could be great column headings for a newsletter project.
Read How to Plan a Homeschool Day with Fun Theme Ideas for a full week of themed learning activities

Monday Theme Ideas and Hashtags
Here’s the list of hashtags and alliterative themes for Monday, listed in alphabetical order.
Machine Monday
Choose a machine to discuss or learn more about on Machine Monday theme days. This could run from a simple pulley system to complex robotics. You could take a historical approach and choose machines to cover from simple early machines up to modern marvels, assigning one to each Monday of the school year.
Major Monday
Use as a way to explore college majors or career options with high school or junior high students.
Maker Monday
This one is fairly well-known. Great for implementing a regularly scheduled Maker Monday, or as an occasional activity throughout the year.

Mammal Monday
Use as a standalone theme for a weekly mammal unit, or in conjunction with additional theme days such as Turtle Tuesday and Fish Friday.
Marine Monday
Another theme that adds alliteration to a unit study covered on Mondays.
Marvelous Monday
This theme can be used to add fun greetings or labels to the days of the week. Use in conjunction with Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday, and Fantastic Friday to help kids focus on positive thinking.
Masterclass Monday
Use Mondays to go deep on a topic, invite an expert guest speaker, or otherwise explore a subject in depth.
Math Monday
Include fun math games, puzzles, questions, or interesting math history on a monthly or occasional Math Monday.
Meal Plan Monday
Offer your junior high and high school students a life skills lesson with a monthly Meal Plan Monday!
Meaningful Monday
Use this as an opportunity to discuss whatever students find meaningful. This could be sharing a quote, book, thought, or act that meant something deeply to them.
Meatless Monday
Another well-known Monday hashtag, great for a culinary class or unit.
Mechanical Monday
Dig into how things work on Mechanical Mondays. Learn basic bicycle maintenance or play around with building blocks.
Medal Monday
Do a monthly or quarterly study of an Olympic medal-winning athlete or military serviceperson who was awarded a medal.
Medical Monday
Cover amazing medical advances with a weekly Medical Monday unit.
Memo Me Monday
Teach students to write appropriate business communication with a monthly or occasional Memo Me Monday.
Memoir Monday
Share a list of impactful memoirs, do a memoir read-aloud or offer individual reading time specifically for memoirs on Mondays. Another fun way to use this theme is to give students allotted time to write their own memoir on Mondays.
Memorization Monday
Work on state capitals, math facts, memorize a poem or favorite quote.
Mental Math Monday
Play games to practice mental math skills.
Metalwork Monday
This would work well for an art class to focus on specific types of craft on certain days, or as an overview in a weeklong art unit study. Think: Metalwork Monday, Textile Tuesday, Watercolor Wednesday, Thrifty Thursday (upcycling), and Photography Friday.
Milky Way Monday
Use this theme to study astronomy themes on Mondays. You could add a daily theme to create a fun theme week also. For example: Milky Way Monday (space), Terrain Tuesday, Bodies of Water Wednesday, Theoretical Thursday, and Food Chain Friday.
Mind Your Manners Monday
This could be a great way to incorporate life skills including etiquette and communication on an occasional basis.
Mindset Monday
Use this theme during a Monday meeting to discuss the importance of a growth mindset, or on a bulletin board to change out relevant quotes or thoughts related to mindset.
Mineral Monday
Another option for a weekly look at the natural world is Mineral Monday. You could add themes for the remaining days and create a week of short activities engaging with the natural world. Mineral Monday, Tree Tuesday, Water Wednesday, Thunder Thursday (storms/weather), Flower Friday.
Miniature Monday
This could be a fun occasional theme focusing on small things. Ideas include using a microscope, learning about tiny items (e.g. atoms, insects, computer chips), or talking about small items that have a big impact on our lives (e.g. paperclips, glue dots, matches, flash memory card). Tiny Tuesday or Tiny Things Thursday would be interchangeable with Miniature Monday.
Minimalist Monday
Use this theme to encourage thoughtfulness about consumption. Do a little decluttering of papers or digital files, talk about ways to let go of items that are no longer used or useful, or how to reduce waste.
Mixed Media Monday
Another art-related theme that could be used weekly or occasionally.
Mixed Up Monday
Traditional use of this theme would be similar to a Wacky Wednesday, but this theme could also be used in a variety of creative ways. Here are a few ideas: chemistry experiments, doing activities out of order, art theme (e.g. Picasso study), ordering a storyline, or baking.
Model Monday
Build physical models or use a modeling CAD program.
Modern History Monday
Share a short story or video about a historical person or event. You could also combine this with a “This Day in History” theme.
Modernist Monday
Use this theme to cover modernist literature and art from the 1900s to the 1940s.
Monday Maintenance
It’s not very exciting, but this theme would work well as a label for specific time periods your students work on cleaning up their desk, binders, update calendars, check email, etc. You could also use it as a life skills teaching moment to go along with a home economics class.
Read: 140 Life Skills to Prepare Your Teens for Adulthood
Monday Map Day
Travel the world one Monday at a time! Spin an interactive globe and point to a place at random, or choose a specific place to learn about ahead of time. You could also use this theme to study the art of mapmaking.
Monday Mastermind
Get students to encourage and support one another with a Monday Mastermind group dedicated to brainstorming, problem solving and generating ideas in a small team environment.
Monday Matters
Use this theme to discuss the agenda for the week, talk about current events, or take an inspirational tack and use it as a way to set goals and intentions for the week.
Monday Meeting
Have a regular check-in to share what’s coming up during the week and take questions or input from students.
Monday Melody
Share a song with a weekly Monday Melody. You could make this an eclectic mix, choose upbeat, energizing songs, or introduce songs from around the world.
Monday Mention
Use this theme to encourage kids to recognize each other’s great qualities or helpful acts. You could also have students use this as a way to recommend books, movies, or products they enjoy.
Monday Mural
Set aside a time slot on Mondays to work on a big project like a mural. As part of an art curriculum, you could collect images of famous or interesting murals and assign one to each Monday for a period of weeks or months.
Monday Musings
This can be a catchall theme for quotes, random thoughts, motivation, or journaling on Mondays.
Monday Mystery
This theme can be used as a weekly brain teaser or riddle, or a random learning opportunity. Choose a variety of obscure facts or questions that are still a mystery and discuss one each Monday.
Money Monday
Work through an economics unit study, talk about the history of money, teach students to budget, or work on a small business project on Money Monday.
Moon and Stars Monday
This could be a fun way to label a monthly goal-setting or big dreams session.

Morning Routine Monday
Use this theme as a way to talk about good habits, productive routines, and ways to create healthy morning routines.
Mosaic Monday
This would be a great theme for an art class.
Motivation Monday
A standard Monday theme, but a great one to share quotes, stories, or tips for boosting motivation.
Read: Monthly Motivation for Kids
Movie Monday
Add an occasional Movie Monday to your curriculum. Supplement your movie with some vocabulary and discussion questions or compare and contrast with the book. Alternatively, have students share a favorite movie and why they like it.
Movement Monday
Introduce different types of movement (dance, sports, tai chi, stretching) or learn about the many ways moving our bodies affects other areas of our lives (mood, cognition, memory, cardiovascular health, digestive health).
Multicultural Monday
Take a trip around the planet with a regular multicultural Monday. You could incorporate songs, traditions, language, and history. It would be fun to find videos detailing a day in the life of students in various countries around the world.
Music Monday
Explore music each Monday that your students may not have heard before. Ideas include classical masterpieces, selections from a variety of music genres, or popular hits from across the decades.
Must List Monday
Have your students work on a list project. Give them prompts to create lists of favorite desserts, people they admire, qualities they’d like to have in a friend, or cities they’d like to visit.
One Minute Monday
Set aside one minute for a small but impactful moment. Ideas include deep breathing, visualization, stretching, watching a one-minute video, listening to a poem, or anything else that could make a memorable or valuable use of one minute.
Find theme ideas for every day of the week!
Monday Themes Add Fun
Kids and adults have a tendency to be dragging a little on Mondays. You can use a theme of the day to add a bit of fun to the school day, and your students will look forward to the regular occurrence of your Monday themes.
Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!