What to Do in March

what to do in March

How to Plan Your Year: March

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring! It’s coming! We’ve had a few sunshiny days in February and the daffodils are lifting their bright, happy faces up to greet the much-longed for sun. March means spring, so here is your list of what to do in March.

I’m a pretty positive person overall, but the sun makes me positively giddy. On one cold, rainy evening last month, my 7-year old told me she was ready to “hiber-night”! 🙂 I get it…chilly winter mornings don’t inspire me to jump out of bed either. But here we are, on the verge of SPRING!

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What to do in March

What to Do in March: Holidays

March is National Craft Month. We love crafts, but haven’t been doing a lot lately due to our BUSY schedules this year. The girls have several craft kits they received as gifts over the past year that are still unopened, so we will attempt to do a few of these, like these glitter bowls, perler beads, and this wise owl.

March is also National Women’s History Month. I have three daughters, so we love finding out about women’s contributions to history. Last month we read Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women. Here are some resources to explore during Women’s History Month:

March List of Fun Holidays

Celebrate World Compliment Day on March 1st. Throw compliments like confetti! March 2nd is Theodor Geisel’s birthday and schools across the country will celebrate Dr. Seuss Day. Teach your kids our national anthem on March 3rd, National Anthem Day. You can see amazing “Star-Spangled Banner” performances from U.S. Military Choirs, Lady Gaga, and Whitney Houston on YouTube.

Plant a Flower Day is March 12th. My girls love to pick out their own flowers to plant. National Pi Day is March 14th (since the number “pi” begins with 3.14). I plan to make my favorite blueberry cream pie for this celebration! March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day (and also my youngest daughter’s birthday). Don’t forget to wear green!

On March 21st, ask your kids to act like they have some manners for Common Courtesy Day. No elbows on the table, no interrupting, just polite conversation and letting someone else have the last cookie all day long! National Chip and Dip Day is March 23rd and National Spinach Day is March 26th. I bet I know which one my kids will like better. I’ll just sneak the spinach in a smoothie!

March 30th is Take a Walk in the Park Day. We’ll see how the weather looks for this one. I like the idea, but not if I’m going to get soaked. Finally, we’ll try to celebrate National Crayon Day on March 31st by making a crayon canvas like THIS ONE from Gathering Beauty.

Banner with arrow, available in Etsy shop

Complete Set of Monthly Lists
Monthly Fun Calendars / Monthly Bucket Lists / Monthly Home Maintenance + more!

Monthly bucket lists from Etsy

Seasonal Living

March is Frozen Foods Month, so look for your local grocery store to offer deals on frozen foods this month.

Our state observes daylight savings time, so we will be “springing forward” an hour in March.

It’s time to get this party garden started! Last year, I barely planted anything in the garden, and I missed eating our lovely home-grown produce, so I’m planning a big garden again this year. My husband built me a greenhouse on the back of our shop to lengthen my growing season, which means I have no excuse to not get started immediately. Get all the gardening details when you read my raised bed garden plan for this year. My kids are voting for snap peas, tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, and pumpkins so far.

For the Kids

We’ll read a few favorite Dr. Seuss books, even though my oldest feels too old for “kid books.” I’m already pinning my favorite leprechaun trap ideas for my youngest child. And Spring Break is just around the corner. Fingers crossed, we’ll head out on an RV adventure!

List of what to do in March

Bucket List Ideas for March

My monthly bucket lists include seasonal activities, physical activity, planning or goal setting, self-care, organizing ideas, and more. Here are some suggestions for your March bucket list. Choose a few or do them all!

  • decorate for St. Patrick’s Day
  • plan for Easter activities
  • jump rope
  • spend a day reading in pajamas
  • try a new hairstyle
  • make a fairy garden
  • bake cupcakes
  • make Irish soda bread
  • buy or make a bird feeder
  • make a summer countdown chart
  • declutter apps on your phone
  • clean out the garage
  • listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – Spring
  • wear green
  • make a list of craft projects to try

Get a step-by-step cheat sheet to help you declutter your phone: How to Organize Your Phone

Plan Ahead in March

Here’s what’s coming up in April. Keep these dates in mind for future reference and planning. Get those 1040s done before Tax Day on April 15th. Plus, show a little extra love to the planet on Earth Day, April 22nd.

April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day sneaks up on me every single time. I end up frantically searching the internet for easy April Fools’ jokes at midnight on March 31st. I’m determined to get ahead of it this year. I’ve started a Pinterest board, and I’m going to plan my pranks well in advance to trick my little tricksters. The one April Fools’ joke my kids remember was the year that April 1st fell on Easter Sunday.

I was so busy getting ready for Easter that I completely forgot about April Fools’ Day. When the kids got up and didn’t find anything funny or out of the ordinary, they asked if I remembered that it was April Fools’. I apologized and told them that I had forgotten, but to make it up to them, they could run outside and start their Easter egg hunt in the backyard before breakfast. All three girls raced around the yard with little baskets, searching futilely for hidden eggs. Finally, they came inside and complained that the eggs were too hard to find. “APRIL FOOLS’,” I squealed, barely holding back my laughter. They were not impressed…THEY WERE MAD! But just two years later, we all get a good laugh about that April 1st!

Feel free to steal that prank yourself…the next time April Fools and Easter fall on the same day is 4/1/2029. Otherwise, follow my April Fools’ Pinterest board for some inspiration:


The explanation for why Easter falls on the dates it does is too complicated for me to remember. Something about the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring… Regardless, Easter is in April this year. I’m starting to think about little gift basket ideas for my girls, Easter dinner, and Easter table decor.

I’ve already started my personal preparation for Easter, because Lent began on February 26th. I’m reading a devotional specifically for the 46 days leading up to Easter. In the past, we’ve done resurrection eggs with the girls, and we may do them again this year, but perhaps for the last time. We’re ready to move on to something that will engage the attention of my closer-to-tween girls. The search is on. I wrote my own advent devotional for Christmas last year, so I may end up doing the same for Lent/Easter next year if I don’t find something that seems like a good fit for us.

Free Printable List of Fun Holidays

Join my mailing list below and you’ll have access to my free printables library, which includes this printable list of fun holidays to celebrate with your family!

List of fun holidays to celebrate in March

Enjoy the month of March. Slow down, be intentional with your time. Make memories and focus on the positive. Each day is a gift.

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What to Do in March

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