Fun Facts to Celebrate a March Birthday
Celebrating a March birthday? Download this March birth month fun facts sheet to display at a birthday party or give with a birthday gift. Included are the March birthstone and flower, a few fun holidays, interesting people born in March, and this month in history events.

March Birthstone
March’s birthstone is aquamarine, a bluish green color. The Latin roots are aqua-water, and marina-of the sea. Aquamarine grows in six-sided crystals up to a foot in length.
A secondary birthstone for March is bloodstone. This stone is a dark green color with flecks of red due to the presence of iron oxide. Bloodstone has been a symbol of bravery throughout history.
March Flower
The birth flower associated with March is the daffodil. This yellow and white flower blooms early in spring and is strongly associated with spring and Easter.
Daffodils are a perennial and very easy to grow in much of North America, and can actually flower for up to 50 years with adequate sunlight and drainage!
March Quote or Poem
“Nothing ever seems impossible in spring you know.”
L.M. Montgomery
March Fun Holidays
National Craft Month
National Nutrition Month
National Grammar Day (3/4)
National Cereal Day (3/7)
National Pi Day (3/14)
National French Bread Day (3/21)
Read: Month by Month Fun Learning Ideas

Famous March Birthdays
Johann Sebastian Bach (German composer and musician)
Alexander Graham Bell (inventor, scientist, and engineer known for his patent of the telephone)
Simone Biles (American gymnast considered one of the greatest of all time)
Albert Einstein (physicist known for developing the theory of relativity)
Lois Lowry (author known for “The Giver” series)
Piet Mondrian (Dutch painter known as a pioneer of abstract art)
Emmy Noether (German mathematician known for her contributions to abstract algebra)
William Perkin (invented artificial dye)
Fred Rogers (creator and producer of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood)
Beatrice Shilling (British aeronautical engineer known for developing a device to restrict fuel flow used in fighter planes during WWII)
Antonio Vivaldi (Italian composer best known for “The Four Seasons”)
Evan Williams (co-founder of Twitter and venture capital firm Obvious Ventures, founder of Blogger and Medium)
For more March birthdays, quotes, and other March-related learning ideas:
What Can I Learn Today: March Homeschool Ideas
March Events in History
Julius Caesar assassinated (44 B.C.)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established (1779)
First U.S. paper money issued (1862)
Yellowstone—first U.S. national park—established (1872)
Helen Keller meets Anne Sullivan (1887)
Time Magazine launched (1923)
Barbie doll debuts (1959)
Peace Corps established (1961)
Hula hoop patented (1963)
Starbucks opens first store (1971)
Read: Realistic Cleaning Checklists for Busy Moms
March Birth Month Fact Sheet
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