The Light of Life: December Devotional for Families

the light of life December devotional

Light of the World December Devotional Series

Welcome to Reading 8 of this twelve-part December devotional series. We’re exploring the theme, Light of the World in each devotional and scripture reading this month. Today’s devotional reading is titled, “The Light of Life.”

If you’re just joining this series, feel free to jump in here, or go back and start at the beginning. Each devotional reading takes less than 10 minutes. In this week after Christmas, we continue discovering the light of Jesus through his life on earth, and consider how we can allow his light to shine through us.

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December devotions for busy families

How to Use This Devotional with Your Family

Slow down. Most of us read too quickly for children to understand and comprehend the material. Read the title, subtitle, and scriptures slowly. Pause at commas and allow time for everyone to think about the meaning behind the words.

Discuss. Stop and talk about the meaning of words your children may not know. Ask them if there is anything they don’t understand.

Visualize. The concepts of light and darkness are easy for children to understand. Encourage them to visualize the imagery conveyed in the scriptures and discussion questions.

The Light of Life: God’s Gift of Love

Guess the Song Lyric

…love’s pure light…

(Find the answer at the end of the article)

Reading 8

Complete this devotional reading on December 27th. This is the second of six devotionals leading up to the new year.

(All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™)

Start with Reading 1: Light Everlasting

John 3:19

This is the verdict: light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light.

John 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

God’s Rescue Plan

God’s plan to rescue us from darkness required a perfect sacrifice. No matter how hard we try to be good, we cannot make ourselves good enough for a holy and perfect God.

But God, in his great love for us, chose to pay the penalty of our sin. Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth was to give his life as a sacrifice for us.

Love’s Pure Light

Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate example of love’s pure light.

To receive his gift of love, you must first acknowledge that you cannot make yourself good enough for God, and understand that God cannot have any sin in his presence.

Jesus died in your place so that you can have a personal relationship with God and live with him forever.

God loves you with an everlasting love, and he wants to shine his perfect light into the darkness of your heart.

The Light of Life Discussion Questions

What do you think about this idea that you can’t save yourself or make yourself good enough for God?

Do you accept God’s gift of love?

Suggested Listening

Noel/Chris Tomlin & Lauren Daigle (YouTube – christomlinmusic)

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love!
The light of the world, given for us

Chris Tomlin

Guess the Song Lyric Answer

Silent Night

Celebrate the good news of great joy this Christmas season!

12 Family Devotional Readings for December

The following images will lead you through the devotional readings.
Bookmark this page for one convenient place to access all twelve readings.

Light of the World Devotional: Light Everlasting
Reading #1
Light of the World Devotional: Let There Be Light
Reading #2
Light of the World Devotional: Light Dimmed
Reading #3
Light of the World Devotional: Glimpses of Light
Reading #4
Light of the World Devotional: Promise of Light
Reading #5
Light of the World Devotional: Light Has Come
Reading #6: Christmas Day
Light of the World Devotional: Light in the Darkness
Reading #7: December 26
Light of the World December Devotional: The Light of Life
Reading #8: December 27
Light of the World Devotional: Light Received
Reading #9: December 28
Light of the World Devotional: Light Displayed
Reading #10: December 29
Light of the World Devotional: Light Will Overcome
Reading #11: December 30
Light of the World Devotional: Let Your Light Shine
Reading #12: December 31

If you prefer to purchase the Kindle edition of this devotional, click the image below to buy it on Amazon. The Kindle book includes the full devotional text, along with clickable links to the suggested music listening.

Light of the World advent devotional

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December Devotional for Families: Light of the World

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