Friday Hashtag Theme Ideas for Your Homeschool or Classroom

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Friday Theme Ideas and Hashtags

Designating a daily theme is a great way to add a little fun to your regular school day. These Friday theme ideas or Friday hashtags can be the focus of an entire day or a way to label a brief segment of the day. Whether you’re in a classroom setting or homeschooling your own kids, themes or hashtags use catchy alliteration or rhyming to amp up the fun factor.

Here’s a big list of fun Friday themes, along with a few suggestions of ways you can use them to increase engagement and learning opportunities for your students.

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Friday themes and hashtags

General Ways to Use Theme Days

Weekly Activities

Some of the daily themes listed below work well with weekly use. These can provide opportunity for regular practice or short activities. Examples of Friday theme ideas that could be used every week:

Friday Funny: share a weekly joke, cartoon, or meme on Fridays

Fact Attack Friday: share a piece of trivia each Friday

You get the idea. These themes don’t take up a significant amount of time and can be added into your schedule to share tidbits of information in a fun way.

Monthly Activities

Many of the themes listed might not be practical for weekly usage. Depending on your schedule and students’ interest, you may not want to have a Fiction Friday or Photography Friday theme every week, but a monthly activity around this theme could be added to your schedule.

Occasional Activities

Some of the themes work very well to use more occasionally. This could be a quarterly or sporadic use of Finance Friday as a way to cover important economics topics, or a collection of themed days to create a week of unique learning outside the regular curriculum.

Newsletter Headings

If you have a student interested in creating a family or class newsletter, these themes could be great column headings for a newsletter project.

Read How to Plan a Homeschool Day with Fun Theme Ideas for a full week of themed learning activities

Homeschool theme day ideas

Friday Theme Ideas and Hashtags

Here’s the list of hashtags and alliterative themes for Thursday, listed in alphabetical order.

Fact Attack Friday

Use this theme to label a review segment in any subject, or as a random trivia theme for Fridays.

Fact or Fib Friday

Fact of Fib Friday would be a great way to review specific topics using true or false type questions. You could also call it Fact or Fiction Friday (see below).

Fact or Fiction Friday

Use this theme to quiz students using true (fact) or false (fiction) questions. Alternatively, you could call it Fact or Fib Friday.

Faithful Friday

This theme would be a suitable label for a study of Christian leaders or Biblical characters.

Famous Failure Friday

There are so many stories of famous people who had multiple “failures” on their way to success. Use this theme to share stories of these famous failures and encourage students to persevere and not fear failure.

Fancy Friday

This could be a theme useful for an occasional etiquette lesson or learning how to cook and present an elegant dinner. You could also use it to learn about gems or ancient nobility.

Fantastic Friday

A well-known theme for Friday, this is often used in conjunction with a weekly set of encouraging themed days like Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, and Thrilling Thursday.

Fantasy Fiction Friday

Use this theme to work through a read-aloud in the fantasy fiction genre on Fridays, or have students work on their own fantasy compositions.

Farm Fresh Friday

Learn about how food is grown and nutrition with this fun theme.

Fast Five Friday

This theme would be great for a quick 5-question quiz. It could also be used to share fun facts, trivia, book recommendations, or five favorite things.

Fearless Feats Friday

Learn about grand and fearless feats accomplished by adventurers throughout history with this theme. Ideas: mountain climbing, cave exploring, sailing, skydiving.

Fiber Arts Friday

Here is a theme that would work well in an art class as a way to explore Fiber Arts on a weekly or occasional basis. You could also use it as part of a full week of art studies using a separate theme for each day of the week. Ideas: Mixed Media Monday, Typography Tuesday, Watercolor Wednesday, and Thrifty Thursday (upcycling).

Fiction Friday

Share a favorite fiction book on Fiction Fridays, or ask students to share their favorite recommendations.

Finance Friday

Use this theme to teach students about economics and personal finance on a weekly or occasional basis. Ideas: responsible use of credit cards, setting up a bank account, how compound interest works, how to create a budget, how taxes work.

Fitness Friday

This is a great way to encourage students to move more. Add a Fitness Friday theme to designate a period of time to stand up and move!

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Homeschool fun themed activity bundle

Five Cents Friday

Share your “five cents” with this theme. Good advice, study skills tips, best of lists, recommendations, and more could be shared under this theme.

Five Senses Friday

This theme could be used as a 5-week unit study to cover each of our five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste). You could also use this to encourage experiences that deeply engage students’ senses. Sight ideas: display art pieces, spot the difference pictures, hidden pictures, look at things under a microscope. Smell ideas: smell a variety of herbs and spices, go outside and smell flowers, shrubs, the air. Hearing ideas: listen to beautiful music, animal sounds, morse code. Touch ideas: feel a variety of fabric textures, tree bark, play with putty, make bread. Taste ideas: blind veggie taste test, try each of the five tastes (salty, sweet, bitter, sour, umami).

Flag Friday

Learn about countries around the world with a Flag Friday theme. Students can make flags for display in the classroom or in a binder as they take a weekly geography trip to a foreign country.

Flashback Friday

Give students a taste of life through the decades with Flashback Friday. Share information about the price of common items, top music or movies, or current events.

Flower Friday

Use this theme to explore nature’s beauty with new flower each Friday.

Fold It Friday

This theme would work well in an art class on a weekly or occasional basis to teach origami. You could also use it as part of a full week of art studies using a separate theme for each day of the week. Ideas: Mixed Media Monday, Typography Tuesday, Watercolor Wednesday, and Thrifty Thursday (upcycling).
#FoldItFriday (origami)

Food Chain Friday

As part of a science study, this theme would be a fun way to explore food chains. Ideas: dead plants, worms, birds, eagles; nectar, butterflies, birds, coyotes.

Foodie Friday

Introduce students to cuisine from around the world, study nutrients, or learn to prepare specific foods with this fun theme.

Founder Friday

Use this theme to study company founders and entrepreneurs. Whether it’s a weekly quick overview, or an occasional deeper look, this would be a good way to explore a variety of industries and the work ethic involved in building a business.

Freehand Friday

This theme would work well in an art class on a weekly or occasional basis as a freehand drawing activity. You could also use it as part of a full week of art studies using a separate theme for each day of the week. Ideas: Mixed Media Monday, Textile Tuesday, Watercolor Wednesday, and Thrifty Thursday (upcycling).

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design a day drawing activity

Friday Favorites

Ask students to share favorite places, books, movies, games, foods, hobbies, or anything else.

Friday Film Review

Use this theme to discuss a movie, or have students write a film review as a writing assignment.

Friday Five

This is a catch-all theme that could be used in the same way as Fast Five Friday. Do a quick 5-question quiz, offer five fun facts or five favorites.

Friday Funny

Share a joke, story, cartoon, or meme with this theme.

Friendship Friday

Use this theme to create a mini-unit study around famous friendships or discuss ways to develop friendships and be a good friend.

Fun and Games Friday

Break out the fun and games. Use card games, board games, online games, classic games, and active games to keep students learning while they play.

Read: 25 Fun and Educational Card Games

Fun Fact Friday

Just like it sounds, use this theme to share a fun fact every Friday. You choose whether it’s related to something your students are studying or random trivia.

Future Focus Friday

This theme would be a good occasional unit-study looking at cutting edge technology, medical advances, or solutions to some of the problems facing us in the future.

Photography Friday

Use this theme to display famous photographs, study talented photographers, or learn tips and tricks to take better pictures.

Sci-Fi Friday

This theme could be used to work through a read-aloud in the science fiction genre on Fridays, or have students work on their own sci-fi compositions. You could also study famous science fiction authors, especially those who have had books made into movies.

Find theme ideas for every day of the week!

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Friday Themes Add Extra Fun

Use a theme of the day to add a bit of fun to the school day. Whether it’s a weekly trivia tidbit or a monthly mini-unit study, your students will look forward to your Friday themes.

Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!

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Thursday Theme Ideas for Homeschool or Classroom

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