February Fun Learning Holidays
My kids love a reason to celebrate. Who doesn’t? These fun holidays can be a great way to celebrate and provide fun learning opportunities for your homeschool. Here’s my list of unit study ideas to incorporate in your homeschool in February.
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What to Celebrate in the Month of February
Each month has designated awareness holidays, and these can be a great way to introduce your kids to a new experience or get them to try something new. They can also be used to spend additional time focused on a particular area of interest.

I’ve compiled a YouTube playlist containing most of the video links included in this article. Bookmark this page to come back and find the unit study, activity, and article links, and visit the Must Love Lists YouTube playlist for monthly video links.
American Heart Month
Do a unit study on the circulatory system. There are many, many resources available including books, videos, and complete lesson plans. Do a search for circulatory system unit study ________ and fill in the blank with the level you wish (elementary, middle school, high school).
Here are a few resources to get you started.
We Are Teachers: Many links to helpful resources included here
The Homeschool Scientist: Big list of resources – videos, hands-on activities and complete studies (including middle and high school level)
Black History Month
Read books about black history and learn why this national awareness month exists. As We Walk Along the Road has a great list of resources for learning during black history month, including books, unit studies, and notebooking ideas.
Chinese New Year
Technically Chinese New Year sometimes falls in January. The range of dates is from January 21st to February 20th. This is an important holiday in China, signifying the beginning of spring. This can be a great way to talk about holidays celebrated in other countries, and learn a bit about China too.
Find lesson plan and study ideas for Chinese New Year from The Homeschool Mom.
Winter Olympics
Winter Games Unit Study Resources (made for 2018, but many resources can be used any year)
Winter Olympics Writing Prompts
Read: How to Hold a Family Olympics

National Day Holidays for February
These individual day holidays can be incorporated into a variety of learning and fun.
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day: First Saturday
My kids look forward to this one all year! It’s a silly tradition that makes great memories. For a little learning thrown in, check out this video from History Channel’s Modern Marvels on how ice cream is made.
Clean Out Your Computer Day: Second Monday
Take advantage of this “holiday” to teach a practical life skill your kids will use their whole lives. If your kids use a computer of any kind for school, have them work on cleaning up files and applications. Delete unused applications, sort files into folders with recognizable names, and delete any files that are no longer needed. Clean up bookmarks and browser extensions too and feel great about your newly organized digital life!
Read: 140 Life Skills to Prepare Your Teen for Adulthood
President’s Day: Third Monday
February is a great month to do a unit study on presidents. Below are a few suggestions.
All About the Presidents from The Homeschool Mom
U.S. Presidents Study for Homeschoolers from Elemental Blogging
Have your kids pay Win the White House at iCivics.org.
Try your hand at putting the presidents in the correct order with this online activity from Lizard Point. Students immediately see which pictures they got in the correct spot and can try again or see the answers.
Fun games to play along with learning about the presidents…
National Chopsticks Day: February 6
Teach your kids to use chopsticks (or practice) today. Read this brief history of chopsticks with your kids.
Send a Card to a Friend Day: February 7
Work on writing a letter today. Learn how to address the envelope, look up zip codes, and how the post office works.
How the U.S. Postal Service Works
How the Post Office Made America
National Inventors Day: February 11
Techie Homeschool Mom has an online unit study covering famous inventors.
Homeschool Giveaways offers a list of free printable resources for studying inventors.
Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday: February 12
Read a book about our 16th president, or go even further and dive into a longer unit study on Abraham Lincoln this month.
Abraham Lincoln Lesson Plans from the State of Illinois
Abraham Lincoln Online education resources
Susan B. Anthony Day: February 15
Susan B. Anthony worksheets on WooJr
Susan B. Anthony worksheets and activities on Teachers Pay Teachers
Susan B. Anthony 2-minute mini-bio (Biography – YouTube)
Random Acts of Kindness Day: February 17
Have your kids brainstorm acts of kindness they can do in February and throughout the year. Make a chart or kindness jar and have your kids add to it as they think of more ideas.
Grab my kindness cards to make someone’s day, or a printable kindness bundle including a random acts of kindness list to get you started!

Tell a Fairy Tale Day: February 26
Read fairy tales from around the world today, or alternatively, read several versions of one fairy tale. It would also be fun to read a fairy tale story like Cinderella and then watch a movie based on the story, like Ever After. Have a discussion comparing the similarities and differences between the two stories.
Polar Bear Day: February 27
Polar Bear Resources on Teachers Pay Teachers
Polar Bear Units and Lessons from Polar Bears International
Visit Polar Bear Science to dive deep with middle grade students. Many resources offered from a zoologist.
Wild Polar Bear (Wild Documentary Animals – YouTube)
Best Polar Bear Moments (BBC Earth – YouTube)
Floral Design Day: February 28
For your middle to high school students, here are a few interesting resources.
Floral Design Tips for Beginners from Team Flower
Flower School YouTube Channel
Tried and True Formulas for Floral Design (Lawrence Gerald – YouTube)
And just for fun, Twelve Easy Flower Doodles to draw (Shayda Campbell – YouTube)
Visit my homeschool resources page for monthly unit study ideas, projects, and homeschool planning help!
How to Use February Fun Holidays for Unit Studies
The key to using fun holiday lists like this in your homeschool is to keep it simple. Don’t try to celebrate every single holiday or awareness theme. You and your kids will be overwhelmed.
Keep a list of fun holidays and note down the ones you celebrate with the year and what you did. Next year, come back to the list and pick another one or two to celebrate.
There are, of course, more “national days” you could choose to celebrate that are not included in this list, many of them focused on food. It’s fun to choose a few of these as well to add in treats here and there or as a way to have your kids try new foods.
Find additional February fun holidays that aren’t necessarily learning-related in these two articles.