September Birth Month Fun Facts Sheet (Free Printable)

September birth month reference sheet

Celebrating a September birthday? Download this September birth month fun facts sheet to display at a birthday party or give with a birthday gift. Included are the September birthstone and flower, a few fun holidays, interesting people born in September, and this month in history events.

Pray Your Way Around the World: September Prayer Guide for Families

pray for countries of the world in September

Are you looking for a way to incorporate geography, culture study, and compassion in a quick 10-minute daily homeschool lesson? Try praying your way around the world! Pray for countries of the world in September—your kids will learn where countries are located, basic demographics of each country, and most importantly, develop compassion for and interest in people around the world. Make it a homeschool project to pray for every country in the world in one year.

August Birth Month Fun Facts Sheet (Free Printable)

August birth month fun fact sheet

Celebrating an August birthday? Download this August birth month fun facts sheet to display at a birthday party or give with a birthday gift. Included are the August birthstone and flower, a few fun holidays, interesting people born in August, and this month in history events.

Pray Your Way Around the World: August Prayer Guide for Families

countries to pray for in August

Are you looking for a way to incorporate geography, culture study, and compassion in a quick 10-minute daily homeschool lesson? Try praying your way around the world! Pray for countries of the world in August—your kids will learn where countries are located, basic demographics of each country, and most importantly, develop compassion for and interest in people around the world. Make it a homeschool project to pray for every country in the world in one year.

Scripture Coloring Pages: 1 Timothy

1 Timothy coloring pages

This collection of scripture coloring pages for the book of 1 Timothy can be used alongside a sermon series at church, as a Sunday School activity, or as an accompaniment to your personal Bible study.

Pray Your Way Around the World: July Prayer Guide for Families

pray for countries of the world in July

Are you looking for a way to incorporate geography, culture study, and compassion in a quick 10-minute daily homeschool lesson? Try praying your way around the world! Pray for countries of the world in July—your kids will learn where countries are located, basic demographics of each country, and most importantly, develop compassion for and interest in people around the world. Make it a homeschool project to pray for every country in the world in one year.

150 Summer Fun Ideas for Teens (Free Printable List)

summer fun ideas

If you’re like many parents, you understand the benefits of our technology, but don’t want to see your teens spend every waking moment on their smartphone. Here is a big list of summer fun ideas for teens. You’ll find outdoor activities, indoor activities, and even some ideas your motivated teen can do to plan ahead for their future!

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