Character Counts: Encouraging Optimism

April word of the month: optimism

Although we don’t want our kids to be oblivious to real problems in the world, we do need to help them embrace an optimistic outlook. Here you’ll find resources to assist you in teaching optimism to kids. By modeling and teaching optimism, we can provide our kids with a valuable tool to weather the adverse circumstances they are sure to encounter in their lives.

National Park Project for Kids

National Park project

Heading to a National Park this summer? This National Park Research Project for kids will provide them with instructions to complete a fun research project. Even if you’re only planning a virtual visit, this is a great project for your elementary or middle-grade students at the end of the school year. You can also plan for this project to coincide with National Park Week that takes place every April.

Monthly Checklist for Household and Homeschool Planning

Monthly checklist for homeschool planning

Checklists are a proven, effective way to organize tasks that need to be accomplished. This monthly checklist for household and homeschool planning will help you track those necessary tasks that tend to be overlooked. These are items that can be done on a monthly basis to organize your household tasks, prioritize and plan for the following month, make time for what’s important to you, and evaluate how things are going.

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