Big List of New Year Goal Ideas for Christian Women

new year goal ideas

As a new year begins, it’s natural to reflect on what’s important and how we can grow in the year ahead. For Christian moms, goal setting is an opportunity to prayerfully align our priorities with God’s will and intentionally steward the time and resources He’s given us. Whether it’s deepening your faith, nurturing your family, or managing your home with greater peace, setting goals brings clarity and purpose to each area of life. This list of ideas is designed to inspire you to consider what truly matters and encourage intentionality in how you spend your days, knowing that small, consistent actions can lead to lasting transformation.

Practical Habits to Prioritize Loving Others

practical ways to love others

You would likely agree that people are more important than things. And that relationships matter more than tasks. But in practical terms, it can be hard to prioritize loving our families, our church family, our neighbors, and others, when our days are consumed by getting through the things and tasks that seem to require our immediate attention.

December Birth Month Fun Facts Sheet (Free Printable)

December fun facts sheet

Celebrating a December birthday? Download this December birth month fun facts sheet to display at a birthday party or give with a birthday gift. Included are the December birthstone and flower, a few fun holidays, interesting people born in December, and this month in history events.

Big List of December Homeschool Learning Activities and Ideas

December homeschool ideas

Homeschool Planning Ideas for December Looking for some fun learning ideas for December? I have a list for you! Here you’ll find a collection of resources to help you plan your homeschool activities and learning in December. I’ve included links to articles containing unit study ideas, fun holidays, and famous December birthdays. You’ll also discover …

Big List of December Homeschool Learning Activities and Ideas Read More »

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