The Life-Giving Miracle of Looking Up

sunrise life giving miracle

If you’ve read my blog or emails regularly, you may have noticed how often I mention my morning prayer walks. Right now, I don’t want you to focus on the early mornings, or the walking, but on that middle word—prayer. Over the past two years, those walks have been the inception of a transformed heart, and maybe it’s time I told that story.

Scripture-Focused Advent Lesson Plan

advent candles

For many moms, the most wonderful time of the year brings an extra dose of busyness and stress. The idea of adding another thing to your regular homeschool activities feels overwhelming. These scripture-focused advent lesson ideas are intended to be used with your kids as part of your daily homeschooling. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your school day to focus on the reason for the season. I believe the result will be less tension and frustration and more hope, peace, joy, and love.

30 Days of Praying Scripture

Bible on table next to coffee in teal mug

Has your prayer time become a presentation of your wish list to God? Do you need some direction to guide you in a meaningful time of prayer? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, I would suggest praying scripture.

12 Meaningful Advent Activity Ideas

Advent countdown

We’re going beyond the chocolate-a-day advent calendars with this list, although if you love the nostalgia of those, feel free to indulge. As a planner and list-maker, I love advent activities. Maybe even more than my kids! Here are 12 advent activity ideas for your family.

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