Big List of New Year Goal Ideas for Christian Women

new year goal ideas

As a new year begins, it’s natural to reflect on what’s important and how we can grow in the year ahead. For Christian moms, goal setting is an opportunity to prayerfully align our priorities with God’s will and intentionally steward the time and resources He’s given us. Whether it’s deepening your faith, nurturing your family, or managing your home with greater peace, setting goals brings clarity and purpose to each area of life. This list of ideas is designed to inspire you to consider what truly matters and encourage intentionality in how you spend your days, knowing that small, consistent actions can lead to lasting transformation.

Practical Habits to Prioritize Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth can be a nebulous term that is thrown around in sermons or Bible studies. In its simplest terms, spiritual growth is the process of becoming more like Jesus. That’s what we’re growing toward, and most often, it’s a slow process. Our spiritual growth doesn’t just happen while we sleep and go about our busy, distracted lives, though. It takes some intentional effort on our part.

Practical Habits to Prioritize Loving Others

practical ways to love others

You would likely agree that people are more important than things. And that relationships matter more than tasks. But in practical terms, it can be hard to prioritize loving our families, our church family, our neighbors, and others, when our days are consumed by getting through the things and tasks that seem to require our immediate attention.

50 Advent Devotional Books for Families with Teens

advent candles

As my kids have gotten older, they’ve outgrown some of the advent traditions they enjoyed as young kids. I want to continue the sense of togetherness and anticipation as they grow up, so I’ve been looking for books we can read together to focus on the season of advent leading up to our Christmas celebration. I’ve put together a list of 50 advent devotional books for you to consider if you have teens or tweens and want to read something together as a family.

Pray Your Way Around the World: December Prayer Guide for Families

countries to pray for in December

Are you looking for a way to incorporate geography, culture study, and compassion in a quick 10-minute daily homeschool lesson? Try praying your way around the world! Pray for countries of the world in December—your kids will learn where countries are located, basic demographics of each country, and most importantly, develop compassion for and interest in people around the world. Make it a homeschool project to pray for every country in the world in one year.

Practical Habits to Prioritize Bible Reading and Prayer

practical ways to prioritize Bible reading and prayer

As Christians, our desire is to know and love God. But how? Author Jen Wilkin has said, “The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.” There are two obvious ways for us to know God: read his word (listen) and pray (talk). Even when we agree with the importance of reading God’s word and spending time in prayer, in an age of constant distraction, it is unlikely that we will consistently do those things without making them an intentional priority.

Pray Your Way Around the World: November Prayer Guide for Families

pray for countries in the world in November

Are you looking for a way to incorporate geography, culture study, and compassion in a quick 10-minute daily homeschool lesson? Try praying your way around the world! Pray for countries of the world in November—your kids will learn where countries are located, basic demographics of each country, and most importantly, develop compassion for and interest in people around the world. Make it a homeschool project to pray for every country in the world in one year.

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