What to Read During the Season of Lent
Looking for suggestions to focus, guide, and inspire your thoughts and reflections during the season of Lent? This Lent reading list of books, devotionals, and studies is intended for the Protestant Christian who desires to engage deeply with themes of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection leading up to the celebration on Easter Sunday.
I’ve provided a free printable list for easy reference. Download and print the list to assist you in choosing reading material for the season of Lent now and in future years. The link to this free printable list is below at the end of the article.

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What is Lent?
Lent is the 40-day period beginning with Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter Sunday. It’s actually longer than 40 days, because the six Sundays aren’t counted, but people generally think of it as 40 days.
As a Protestant, I don’t closely follow the liturgical calendar, but in Catholic tradition, the lenten season changed in 1969 and is now considered to be from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday, with Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday comprising their own short “season.”
This 40-day period recalls Jesus’ 40-day fast in the wilderness after His baptism by John the Baptist and before His public ministry began.
There are traditionally three main areas of focus during lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Why Observe Lent?
If you grew up in a church that celebrated Easter Sunday, but didn’t comment much on the season of Lent, you may wonder why you’re hearing more Protestants talk about Lent in recent years.
For a flyover explanation of Lent, read this article: A Short Version of the Long History of Lent.
Here are my personal conclusions regarding why Lent is becoming more popularly observed in Protestant circles. The reasons I cite below are some that I consider to be good motivations for participating in, or refraining from, certain activities or practices.
- dedicated time focused on Jesus’ sacrifice and the work of the cross
- focus on deepening relationship to God through prayer
- removal of distractions in order to spend time in God’s word and in prayer
- heightened awareness of those in need and sacrificial giving
- fasting as a physical reminder of our dependence on God
- a period of restraint and repentance that causes us to rightly view ourselves and God
How to Participate in the Season of Lent
It has become common to “give up” something for Lent. Not necessarily food, but often something on which we feel too dependent, like sugar or social media.
There is nothing wrong with fasting, either traditionally from food, or from some activity, during Lent. However, the Bible does not command any such observances specifically for this season, and I find that many declarations of giving something up for Lent are more self-focused than God-focused. It’s important to keep the focus on giving up, or adding, practices for the purpose of drawing near to God through prayer, worship, and the reading of His word.
In addition to the recommended book list for the season of Lent, here are a few suggestions to use in preparing your mind and heart for the glorious celebration of Resurrection Sunday.
Biola University: Lent Project: daily devotional meditations combined with music and art
Music: Lent with Sacred Ordinary Days Spotify Playlist
Psalm 51 printable from Humility and Doxology
Read: List of 50 Advent Devotional Books

Books for Lent Focused on the Cross
1. Meditations on the Cross by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
2. The Cross in Four Words by Kevin DeYoung
3. The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy
4. Passion by Mike McKinley
5. The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul
6. The Cross of Christ by John Stott
Devotional Books Specifically for Lent
7. Journeying with God Through the Wilderness by Mark Broadway
8. An Ocean of Grace edited by Tim Chester
9. The Beauty of the Cross by Tim Chester
10. The Glory of the Cross by Tim Chester
11. Our Radiant Redeemer by Tim Chester
12. 40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Cholé
13. Uncovering the Love of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu
14. To Seek and to Save by Sinclair Ferguson
15. Word in the Wilderness by Malcolm Guite
16. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross edited by Nancy Guthrie
17. Bread and Wine by C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and others
18. On Calvary’s Hill by Max Lucado
19. Rich Wounds by David Mathis
20. Show Me the Way by Henri Nouwen
21. Bitter & Sweet by Tsh Oxenreider
22. From Glory into Glory by Tom Parsons
23. Truly, Truly, I Say to You by Adam Ramsey
24. The Risen King by C.H. Spurgeon
25. The Promise of Lent by Chris Tiegreen
26. From the Grave by A.W. Tozer
27. Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp
28. The Hymns of Easter by Alan Vermilye
29. Journey to the Cross by Will Walker and Kendal Haug
Books to Encourage Reflection During Lent
30. Incomparable: 50 Days with Jesus by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
31. Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
Not a book specifically for Lent, but this allegory with themes of suffering and endurance could be a great book to read with teens during Lent. The visual journey version adds beautiful artwork as well.
32. Our Favorite Sins by Todd Hunter
33. Finding Soul Rest by Curtis Zackery
Bible Studies for Lent
34. From Death to Life from The Daily Grace Co
35. The Heart of Christ from The Daily Grace Co
36. ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus from The Daily Grace Co
Books to Read with Your Family During Lent
37. Meals with Jesus by Ed Drew
38. Mission Accomplished by Scott James
39. The Risen One by Scott James
40. Is Easter Unbelievable? by Rebecca McLaughlin
This would be a good choice to read with teens!

Realistic Time Constraints During Lent
As you approach the season of Lent and seek out reading material that helps to focus your mind on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, I would encourage you to remember one of the primary elements of Lent in church history—prayer.
We are inundated with inputs, and while books, studies, and devotional materials are beneficial, nothing is of greater benefit than time spent reading the Bible itself and time spent in prayer.
If you have limited time to engage in a practice specifically during the season of Lent, you might consider spending that time in disciplined, focused, worshipful prayer.
If you intend to give up time on social media, TV, or other distractions, adding a book from this reading list is absolutely a worthwhile endeavor for drawing near to God, learning more of his character and appreciating his greatness and grace.
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