25 Fun and Educational Card Games for Family Game Night
Here’s a list of 25 fun and educational card games to try for your next family game night.
25 Fun and Educational Card Games for Family Game Night Read More »
Here’s a list of 25 fun and educational card games to try for your next family game night.
25 Fun and Educational Card Games for Family Game Night Read More »
If you’re the parent of a teen, chances are you’ve experienced at least one moment of realization that your child is completely unaware of how to do something that will be essential for them to navigate the world on their own.
140 Essential Life Skills to Prepare Your Teen for Adulthood Read More »
If you’re spreadsheet savvy, you can DIY your own Google Sheets Christmas planner. And you’re in luck, because today I’m sharing all the sheets I use in my Google Sheets Christmas planner, along with pictures of how I set it up.
For many moms, the most wonderful time of the year brings an extra dose of busyness and stress. The idea of adding another thing to your regular homeschool activities feels overwhelming. These scripture-focused advent lesson ideas are intended to be used with your kids as part of your daily homeschooling. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your school day to focus on the reason for the season. I believe the result will be less tension and frustration and more hope, peace, joy, and love.
The thanksgiving season prods us to make thankful lists and encourage our kids to express their thanks for blessings big and small. This 5-day thanksgiving lesson plan will focus your kids on thankfulness to God above all else.
Free Scripture-Focused Thanksgiving Lesson Plan for Homeschool Families Read More »
As a homeschooling mom, I know you’ve got a lot on your mind. Lists are essential for keeping track of all the things to do, buy, and remember. The nine lists I’m suggesting here aren’t to-do lists to check off be done with. These lists record ideas you’ll want to reference again and again.
Those lazy days of summer feel few and far between most years. Even if you’re not schooling year round, summer break is here and gone in a flash and it’s time to start a new school year. Back-to-school planning for homeschool is fun with these checklists, tips, and resources to help you plan and prepare for your school year.
Not to be confused with an ultimate cleaning list, or a comprehensive list of everything you should clean and how often to clean it, these are realistic cleaning checklists for busy moms. If you need an easy-to-follow checklist to remind you of what to clean daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally that you might actually get through sometimes, this is it!
Self-discipline is a character trait that feels very aspirational to a lot of us. We see the value of it, but it’s just so much work to maintain. Discipline is key to helping your kids become responsible adults. As part of our character counts series, let’s look at how we can encourage self-discipline in kids.
If you asked all your mom friends what they want most for their kids, one of the top responses would probably be “I want my kids to be happy.” But happiness comes and goes from moment to moment. Even skipping a meal can cause us to feel unhappy. What I really want is for my kids to live from a place of deep joy. So let’s look at how to encourage kids to be joyful.